ERC starting grant for a neurobiologist at Biozentrum (Basel)

The ERC’s prestigious Starting Grant, which awards innovative research by outstanding early career scientists, enables them to establish their own research project. The neurobiologist Professor Anissa Kempf was awarded this generous grant for a total funding of CHF 1.5 million. She now leads a research group at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel since October 2021. Her project investigates how neurons in the brain control sleep behavior.
Prof. Anissa Kempf’s ERC grant is the fourth in a row for incoming Assistant Professors at the Biozentrum.
The mystery of sleep
Anissa Kempf and her research team investigate how sleep drive is generated in the brain. Her research results have recently shown that the accumulation of free oxygen radicals in mitochondria increases the activity of a specific group of neurons, thereby inducing sleep.
Using behavioral assays, imaging techniques and electrophysiological measurements, Prof. Kempf now projects to further investigate the interplay between neuronal activity and mitochondrial metabolism. More information about her research interests on