Goumon Yannick

Institute of Cellular and Integrative neuroscience (INCI) - UPR 3212 CNRS
Strasbourg (France)
- Sensory systems Somatosensation: Pain Pain treatments
- Disorders & injury of the NS Inflammatory diseases, infections & neuroinflammatory conditions Neuroinflammation
- Glia: cell types & roles in the NS Glia in NS disorders Glia & Nervous system lesions
- Disorders & injury of the NS Inflammatory diseases, infections & neuroinflammatory conditions Neuroinflammation
- Glia: cell types & roles in the NS Astrocytes Involvement in Pain
- Disorders & injury of the NS Inflammatory diseases, infections & neuroinflammatory conditions Inflammatory pain
- Neuronal excitability, synaptic activity, plasticity & neuronal networks Ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors, transporters Transporters
- Neuroinflammatory, neurotoxic & neurodegenerative mechanisms Neuroinflammation Glia & neuroinflammation
- Glia: cell types & roles in the NS Glia in NS disorders Glia in stroke & neuropathic pain