Gasman Stéphane

Institute of Cellular and Integrative neuroscience (INCI) - UPR 3212 CNRS

Strasbourg (France)

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  • Neuronal excitability, synaptic activity, plasticity & neuronal networks   Neurotransmitter Release   Vesicle docking, fusion, recycling, biogenesis, exocytosis
  • Neuronal excitability, synaptic activity, plasticity & neuronal networks   Neurotransmitter Release   Presynaptic organization and structure
  • Disorders & injury of the NS   NS tumours, tumorigenesis   Gliomas, Glioblastomas, Other tumors, tumorigenesis
  • Development   Developmental Disorders   Tumorigenesis
  • Disorders & injury of the NS   Developmental disorders   Tumorigenesis