
The NeuroCampus project aims to develop an online programme of training in neuroscience, for students, researchers and healthcare professionals, and to familiarize associations and the general public with neuroscience. It consists in an online platform which features science videos made from the many actions developed by Neurex, thanks to the scientific community of our trinational network.

See the Neurocampus brochure


  • Meetings, workshops and scientific lectures
    These events can be fundamental, clinical or cross-disciplinary. They involve both academic and private laboratories, and are proposed as a part of a continuous training programme to junior and senior scientists.
  • Lab tours
    Lab tours consist in visiting by bus several laboratories of each of the 3 Neurex universities, working on common topics with different approaches. This concept allows to illustrate the diversity of techniques and resources used on each side of our border to address a specific research topic.
  • Controversy debates
    Controversy debates are event where scientists discuss competing views on a precise issue. These particular meetings sharpen the critical sense of our students and give senior scientists the opportunity to reassess their working hypothesis.
  • Interactions with industry
    Meetings with private laboratories are organized to illustrate the research strategies developed outside the academic context and to strengthen interactions between universities and industry.
  • Journal clubs
    Journal clubs aim at teaching Master and PhD students how to work in group and how to analyse scientific articles. Scientific publishing professionals are asked to step in and to share their knowledge and experience of the edition process.
  • Scientific training on clinical trials
    Training in clinical trials are performed in order to familiarize junior and senior scientists to the world of clinical research.
  • Outreach events
    The general public has demonstrated a growing interest for neuroscience over the last decade. Public events are held in order to inform the people about the research conducted in our laboratories. Such public events are organized throughout the year and particularly during the Brain Awareness Week.
