
Therapeutic challenges in rare neurological diseases

November 25, 2019

Illkirch (France)


9h45 10h15 Registration and Welcome coffee       
10h15 11h Jean-Yves Bonnefoy (Anagenesis Biotechnologies, Illkirch, F) "Development of novel therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: cell therapy and NCE"
11h 11h45 Luc Dupuis (INSERM 1118, Strasbourg, F) "Understanding the causes of weight loss in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: road to treatment?" 
11h45 12h30 Belinda Cowling (Dynacure, Illkirch, F)"Developing therapies for rare neuromuscular disorders using antisense oligonucleotides"
12h30  14h Lunch Break       
14h 14h45 Yvon Trottier (IGBMC, Illkirch, F) "Spinocerebellar ataxia : from pathomechanisms to therapy development"
14h45 15h30 Vincent Laugel (CHU, Strasbourg, F) "Pediatric clinical research in rare neuromuscular diseases"
15h30 16h Coffee Break       
16h 16h30 Round table with the speakers - Moderator: Jean-Yves Bonnefoy       
      Non-genetic therapeutic approaches  
      Robustness of new therapeutic targets  
      Tools, animal models etc. 
16h30 17h Networking


Organizers: Dominique Bagnard, Jean-Christophe Peter et Pascal Villa


 logoMedalisLogo Fondation Maladies rares



Date: Nov. 25th, 2019

Venue: 7hotel - 550 Bld Sébastien Brant - F-67400 Illkirch


Registration deadline: Nov. 18th.

Neurex workshops are part of the cycle B5 of the University of Basel. They allow students to gain Credit Points from attending workshops/meetings.

This specific workshop will give rise to the attribution of 1 CP.

Important: Full rules & how to proceed available here.