Create my Neurex account

Personal informations

Please enter your family name.

Please enter your first name.

Please complete this field.

Please provide a valid e-mail!

Retype the e-mail!

Please enter a password!

Retype the password!

Professional informations

Please select your profile

Entrée non valide

Please select a country.

Please complete this field.

Please select a city.

Please complete this field.

Please select an institute.

Please complete this field.

Please select a team leader.

Please complete this field.

Please specify the name of the company.

Please specify your profession.

Please complete this field.

Please complete this field.

Please complete this field.

Please complete this field.

Entrée non valide

Upcoming actions

By submitting this form, I agree that my personal data will be used for the management of my Neurex account as well as for the collection and analysis of anonymous statistics. No other treatment will be done with my information.

For awareness and usage of your rights regarding your agreement above, please read our privacy policy.

* Fields marked with an asterisk are required.