Lüthi Andreas


Basel (Switzerland)

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  • Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation   Appetitive and Aversive Learning   Fear and aversive learning and memory
  • Disorders & injury of the NS   Mood, affect & other psychiatric Disorders   Anxiety
  • Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation   Motivation & Emotions   Fear, anxiety, and pain
  • Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation   Cognition, Learning & memory in animals   Associative, nonassociative, and skill learning
  • Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation   Cognition, Learning & memory in animals   Learning and memory: information encoding & synaptic plasticity
  • Neuronal excitability, synaptic activity, plasticity & neuronal networks   Synaptic Plasticity   LTP